Toco Oman Vacancies 2024 | Oil and Gas Jobs in Oman

Toco Oman Vacancies. Are you looking for a Toco Construction Company Job in Oman? Please apply for the Toco Oman Career from the list below. The Oman Construction Company LLC (TOCO) is one of the oldest and most well-established oil & gas service providers in the Sultanate of Oman.

The Oman Construction Company Job Vacancies

Established in 1965, TOCO proudly built the first flowline, the first pipeline, the first tank farm, the first production station, and the first overhead power line, and performed the first rig move in Oman.TOCO has been associated with most of the oil & gas operators in Oman since the very beginning of their operations, and the relationship continues. Please apply for Toco Oman Jobs from the below list.

Toco Oman Vacancies

TOCO Company Vacancy Details

• Company/Organization: The Oman Construction Company LLC (TOCO)
• Job Location: Oman
• Nationality: Any
• Qualification: Bachelor Degree/Diploma/High School
• Experience: Minimum 1 to 2 Years

List of Toco Oman Vacancies

Job TitleLocation
QMI Engineer – OmaniOman
Electrical Engineer – OmaniOman

How to Apply for Toco Oman Jobs?

Please apply for the Toco Oman job Vacancy from the above list. Click on the above Job title related to your designation. You will redirect to the official Toco Oman Careers site.

Abraj Energy Jobs

OQ8 Jobs

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