SANAD Drilling Company Jobs 2025 | Saudi Aramco Nabors Drilling

SANAD Drilling Company Jobs. Are you looking for SANAD Drilling Jobs in Saudi Arabia? Please apply for Saudi Aramco Nabors Drilling Company Jobs from the below list. SANAD is a 50/50 joint venture partnership between Saudi Aramco and Nabors.

SANAD Drilling Careers 2025

SANAD is one of the anchor projects that has emerged from Saudi Arabia’s efforts to introduce world-class industry hubs locally, to foster economic growth and job creation labor. Saudi Aramco has made contributions of equal value, consisting of cash or assets, to the entity. Additionally, Nabors and Saudi Aramco have agreed that SANAD will purchase and operate fifty (50) locally sourced newly constructed rigs over ten years, at defined contracted economics. Please apply for Sanad drilling vacancies from the below list.

Saudi Aramco Nabors Drilling Company Jobs

SANAD Drilling Job Vacancies Details

• Company/Organization: Saudi Aramco Nabors Drilling Company (SANAD)
• Job Location: Saudi Arabia

• Nationality: Any
• Qualification: Bachelor Degree/Diploma/High School
• Experience: Minimum 1 to 2 Years

List of SANAD Drilling Company Jobs

Job TitleLocation
DrillerSaudi Arabia
OperatorSaudi Arabia
Maintenance ManagerSaudi Arabia
HR Business PartnerSaudi Arabia
Vendor CoordinatorSaudi Arabia
IT ManagerSaudi Arabia
Rigger 1Saudi Arabia

How to Apply for SANAD Drilling Jobs?

Please apply for the SANAD Drilling Saudi Jobs from the above list. Click on the above Job title related to your designation. You will be redirected to the official Bechtel SANAD Drilling Careers site.

Nabors Drilling Jobs

Saudi Aramco Job Vacancy

ARO Drilling Job Vacancies

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